Gift credit cards make the perfect present when you don't know the person

Posted at by ifydcat on category Credit

There are many excellent reasons to use gift credit cards.There are many ways to use gift credit cards.  While they make excellent gifts they can also be used to donate money, motivate employees, or send money to your children away at college.  Because they are more secure than sending cash you can put them in with a variety of cards for special occasions such as anniversaries, weddings, and birthdays.   They are an improvement over store gift cards since they can be used at almost any store or restaurant.  You can find a wide variety of gift credit cards available and it can be hard to distinguish between them.  Gift credit cards are a great idea because they usually come under the name of a major credit card such as Visa, MasterCard, or American Express and can be used at any retailer that regularly takes these cards.  They can also be used to shop online safely.  This gives the gift recipient the ability to purchase something that they really want.  You can buy gift credit cards which are loaded with almost any amount of money up to around 0.  Some of these cards can only be used oncewhile others can be continually replenished.   Gift giving credit cards can be found at your local mall. The second type is usually preferred by parents who have kids away at college.  There will be a small fee charged each time the card is loaded, usually under .  Often the banks will allow you to monitor the account usage online and replenish the funds as they are needed.  Gift credit cards are now used quite often by businesses to motivate their employees.  They have found that a card which is preloaded with money is a powerful incentive.  Employees really like being able to use the card for anything they need. Gift credit cards for sale are offered widely during the holidays


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